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Major Political Parties in St. Andre Assembly Constituency
BJP is the major political party in St. Andre Assembly Constituency .Present Sitting MLA of St. Andre Assembly Constituency .
Present Sitting MLA s of St. Andre Assembly Constituency is Viresh Mukesh Borkar from party BJP partyMandals in St. Andre Assembly Constituency .
History of winning MLA s from St. Andre Assembly Constituency .
List of Polling booths in St. Andre Assembly Constituency
0) Balwadi Premises Arcar
1) Fr. Agnel Central School Malwara
2) G.p.s Bambolim
3) G.p.s Pirbhat
4) G.p.s. Dando
5) G.p.s. Gaonkar Waddo
6) G.p.s. Agacaim Tryceum Classes Mercurim Baixo De Igreja
7) G.p.s. Gawalimoula
8) G.p.s. Igrejwado
9) G.p.s. Maina
10) G.p.s. Mercurim
11) G.p.s. Siridao
12) G.p.s. Sulabhat
13) G.p.s. Wadwad
14) G.p.s.(e.w.) Paliem
15) G.p.s.(n.w.) Forgottem
16) G.p.s.(n.w.) Mercurim
17) G.p.s.(s.w.) Forgottem
18) G.p.s.(s.w.) Mercurim
19) G.p.s.(w. W.) Paliem
20) Govt. Primary & Middle School (n.w.) Curca
21) Govt. Primary & Middle School (s.w) Curca
22) Govt. Primary School (n.w.) Tito Mandur
23) Govt. Primary School (s.w.) Tito Mandur
24) Govt. Village Library (n.w.) Dongrim Thorlebhat
25) Govt. Village Library (s.w.) Dongrim Thorlebhat
26) Gps Neura
27) Office Of Provedoria Asst. Public Dando
28) P.w.d. Office G.m.c. Complex Canturlim
29) Peoples House (casa De Pova) Forgottem
30) Popular English High School
31) St. Lawrence High School Agacaim
32) V.p. Batim(ground Floor)
33) V.p. Office Agacaim
34) V.p. Office Azossim Mandur
35) V.p. Siridao
36) Village Panchayat Neura
and more ...
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