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Major Political Parties in Tingkhong Assembly Constituency
51165 , BJP , 85.31% are the major political parties in Tingkhong Assembly Constituency .Present Sitting MLA of Tingkhong Assembly Constituency .
Present Sitting MLA s of Tingkhong Assembly Constituency is Bimal Borah from party BJP partyMandals in Tingkhong Assembly Constituency .
History of winning MLA s from Tingkhong Assembly Constituency .
Election Year | Reservation | Winner MLA | Winner MLA Party | Winner MLA Votes | Difference votes with Runner Up | Runner UP Candidate | Runner UP Candidate Party | Runner UP Candidate Votes | ||
119 | 59554 | 122295 | 51165 | 104324 | 104324 | 84.73% | 85.31% | 85.31% | 85.31% | 0 |
List of Polling booths in Tingkhong Assembly Constituency
0) 1 No Puberun Krishi Nigam Lp School
1) 117 No Gerekoni Lp School (south)
2) 2 No Dhadumia Lp School
3) 3 No. Burikhowang L.p. School (deohali)
4) Aghunibari High School
5) Aideo Saikia Lp School
6) Arunoday Lp School
7) Athabari Naharani Lp School(east)
8) Azizbag Te Lp School
9) Azizbag Te Mazdur Sangha (left)
10) Azizbag Te Mazdur Sangha (right)
11) Bahani Gaon L.p. School
12) Bamunbari High School
13) Bamunbari Lp School(left)
14) Bamunbari Lp School(right)
15) Betoni Mv School
16) Bhrigurason Hindi Lp School
17) Bhrigurasun Hindi M.e. School
18) Bondup Halaguri Gaon Lp School
19) Borbam Lp School (left)
20) Borbam Lp School (right)
21) Borbil Lp School
22) Borpathar Lp School (left)
23) Borpathar Lp School (right)
24) Bortani M.e. School (left)
25) Bortani M.e. School (right)
26) Chapatoli Lp School
27) Chareng Me School (left)
28) Chareng Me School (right)
29) Chenimari L.p. School
30) Cherepa Khati L.p.school.
31) Dahakataki Lp School
32) Deori Gaon Lp School
33) Dhaman Lp School (left)
34) Dhaman Lp School (right)
35) Dhowapathar Lp School(east)
36) Dhowapathar Lp School(w)
37) Dighalia Lp School
38) Dillibari Te Lp School(e)
39) Dillinagar High School
40) Diroi Grant B Block Lp School
41) Diroi Te Lp School(left)
42) Diroi Te Lp School(right)
43) Diroibam Mazdur Club
44) Diroipam Lp School
45) Disang Dhanpur Mv School
46) Disang L.p.school
47) Duliabam Te Lp School(l)
48) Duliabam Te Lp School(r )
49) Garhmora Hatigarh Lp School
and more ...
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