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Major Political Parties in Naoboicha Assembly Constituency
AIUDF , 88.07% , 79320 are the major political parties in Naoboicha Assembly Constituency .Present Sitting MLA of Naoboicha Assembly Constituency .
Present Sitting MLA s of Naoboicha Assembly Constituency is Bharat Chandra Narah from party AIUDF partyMandals in Naoboicha Assembly Constituency .
History of winning MLA s from Naoboicha Assembly Constituency .
Election Year | Reservation | Winner MLA | Winner MLA Party | Winner MLA Votes | Difference votes with Runner Up | Runner UP Candidate | Runner UP Candidate Party | Runner UP Candidate Votes | ||
110 | 89858 | 184078 | 79320 | 162118 | 162118 | 87.88% | 88.07% | 88.07% | 88.07% | 0 |
List of Polling booths in Naoboicha Assembly Constituency
0) 2 No Islampur L P School
1) 2 No. Miri Gaon L.p.school New Part
2) 345 Grant L.p.school Ls
3) 345 Grant L.p.school Rs
4) 546 Dikrong Baligaon L.p. School
5) 655 Dakhin Sonapur L. P. School
6) 80 No Solmari L.p.school
7) 80 No Solmari M. E. School
8) 80 No Solmori Grant L.p.school
9) Ahm.e.dpur L.p.school L.s.
10) Ahmodpur L.p.school R.s.
11) Ahomoni Miri L.p.school
12) Ahomoni Miri L.p.school L.s.
13) Ampora Lp School
14) Baliding L.p. School Sarba Siksha Wing
15) Baliding L.p.school L.s.
16) Baliding L.p.school R.s.
17) Balitika M.e.school L.s.
18) Balitika M.e.school R.s.
19) Bangalmara Govt. Jr. Basic School
20) Bangalmora High School L.s.
21) Bangalmora High School R.s.
22) Bejibari L.p. School
23) Bhoroluwa L.p.school L.s.
24) Bhoroluwa L.p.school R.s.
25) Bhugpuria L.p.school R.s.
26) Bihpuria Nagar L.p.school L.s.
27) Bihpuria Nagar L.p.school R.s.
28) Bilgorh L.p.school
29) Biswa Jyoti L.p.school L.s.
30) Biswa Jyoti L.p.school R.s.
31) Boloma L.p.school
32) Bongalchuck L.p.school R.s.
33) Bongalchuk L.p.school L.s.
34) Bor Alengi M.v.school L.s.
35) Bor Alengi M.v.school R.s.
36) Borgola L.p.school L.s.
37) Borgola L.p.school R.s.
38) Borgola M.e. Madrassa
39) Chumani L.p.school
40) Chumani L.p.school L.s.
41) Dakhin Fatehpur L.p. School
42) Dakhin Mohguli L.p.school L.s.
43) Dakhin Mohguli L.p.school R.s.
44) Dejoo Christan L.p.school
45) Dejoo Pather L.p.school L.s.
46) Dejoo Pather L.p.school R.s.
47) Dejoo Tea Estate L.p.school
48) Dejoo Welfare Centre L.s.
49) Dejoo Welfare Centre Rs
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