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Major Political Parties in Kokrajhar East Assembly Constituency
83.76% , BPF , 69085 are the major political parties in Kokrajhar East Assembly Constituency .Present Sitting MLA of Kokrajhar East Assembly Constituency .
Present Sitting MLA s of Kokrajhar East Assembly Constituency is Lawrence Islary from party BPF partyMandals in Kokrajhar East Assembly Constituency .
History of winning MLA s from Kokrajhar East Assembly Constituency .
Election Year | Reservation | Winner MLA | Winner MLA Party | Winner MLA Votes | Difference votes with Runner Up | Runner UP Candidate | Runner UP Candidate Party | Runner UP Candidate Votes | ||
30 | 82881 | 165022 | 69085 | 138216 | 138216 | 84.16% | 83.76% | 83.76% | 83.76% | 0 |
List of Polling booths in Kokrajhar East Assembly Constituency
0) 102 No. Kalaigaon Lp School
1) 1154 Middle Chechapani Lp School
2) 154
3) 160
4) 164
5) 166
6) 167
7) 190
8) 194 Anthaibari Lp School
9) 194 No. Anthaibari Lp School
10) 199
11) 203
12) 203 No. Lakhnabari Lp School (west Side)
13) 204
14) 205
15) 229
16) 230
17) 230 Sialmari Jb School (right Side)
18) 247
19) 255
20) 256
21) 259
22) 27
23) 28
24) 288
25) 29
26) 308 Diabari Banjarmakha Jb School
27) 317
28) 318
29) 319
30) 321 Hekaipara Lp School
31) 322
32) 325
33) 326
34) 327 No. Duramari Lp School (left Side)
35) 327 No. Duramari Lp School (right Side)
36) 328
37) 33
38) 387
39) 393
40) 394
41) 414
42) 462
43) 463
44) 486 Padmabil Lp School
45) 497
46) 522 West Bishmuri Lp School
47) 526
48) 527 Kashimari Lp School
49) 559 Athiabari Lp School
and more ...
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