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Major Political Parties in Gossaigaon Assembly Constituency
68026 , BPF , 85.37% are the major political parties in Gossaigaon Assembly Constituency .Present Sitting MLA of Gossaigaon Assembly Constituency .
Present Sitting MLA s of Gossaigaon Assembly Constituency is Majendra Narzary from party BPF partyMandals in Gossaigaon Assembly Constituency .
History of winning MLA s from Gossaigaon Assembly Constituency .
Election Year | Reservation | Winner MLA | Winner MLA Party | Winner MLA Votes | Difference votes with Runner Up | Runner UP Candidate | Runner UP Candidate Party | Runner UP Candidate Votes | ||
28 | 80037 | 166057 | 68026 | 141758 | 141758 | 85.71% | 85.37% | 85.37% | 85.37% | 0 |
List of Polling booths in Gossaigaon Assembly Constituency
0) `359 Kukliladanga L.p School
1) 1000 Alinagar Lp School
2) 1011 Burachara Lp School
3) 1012 Hauriyapet Lp School
4) 1017 Jiadanga Lp Schoo
5) 1018 Khayerghutu L.p School
6) 1019 Srirampur Rifugee Lp School
7) 1020 Srirampur Mgr Lp School (l/s)
8) 1020 Srirampur Mgr Lp School (r/s)
9) 1021 Kembolpur L.p School
10) 1022 Shaljuri Lp School
11) 1024 Habrubil Lp School (l/s)
12) 1024 Habrubil Lp School (r/s)
13) 1027 Panowari Lp School
14) 1085 Harinagar Lp School
15) 111 Gothaibari Lp School
16) 1121 Mallikapur L.p School
17) 1122 Karlingpur Lp School
18) 1123 Haraputa Mission Lp School (l/s)
19) 1123 Haraputa Mission Lp School (r/s)
20) 113 Katribari Lp School
21) 117 Shapmari Jb School (l/s)
22) 1176 Shingibil Lp School
23) 130 Boshgaon Lp School
24) 156 Borobadha Lp School
25) 18 No.gossaigaon J.b. School
26) 188 Sapkata Lp School
27) 202 Gaochulka Lp School
28) 237 Khagrabari Lp School
29) 245 Suribari Lp School
30) 258 Shimultapu Lp School
31) 264 Ghaksha Jb School (l/s)
32) 264 Ghaksha Jb School (r/s)
33) 265 Pakriguri Lp School
34) 266 Bantijhora Lp School
35) 295 Silbhaji Lp School
36) 296 Pokalagi Lp School
37) 297 Nandipur Lp School
38) 298 Hatigarh Lp School
39) 358 Bakdokra Lp School (l/s)
40) 358 Bakdokra Lp School (r/s)
41) 365 Bherbheri Lp School (l/s)
42) 365 Bherbheri Lp School (r/s)
43) 377 Garumararchor Lp School
44) 390 Nasraibil Lp School
45) 398 Amritpur Lp School
46) 433 Kaimmati Lp School (l/s)
47) 433 Kaimmati Lp School (r/s)
48) 456 Raimona Lp School
49) 457 Bharatnagar Lp School
and more ...
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