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Major Political Parties in Goalpara West Assembly Constituency
66171 , INC , 91.6% are the major political parties in Goalpara West Assembly Constituency .Present Sitting MLA of Goalpara West Assembly Constituency .
Present Sitting MLA s of Goalpara West Assembly Constituency is Abdur Rashid Mandal from party INC partyMandals in Goalpara West Assembly Constituency .
History of winning MLA s from Goalpara West Assembly Constituency .
Election Year | Reservation | Winner MLA | Winner MLA Party | Winner MLA Votes | Difference votes with Runner Up | Runner UP Candidate | Runner UP Candidate Party | Runner UP Candidate Votes | ||
38 | 72505 | 148632 | 66171 | 136142 | 136142 | 91.91% | 91.6% | 91.6% | 91.6% | 0 |
List of Polling booths in Goalpara West Assembly Constituency
0) 108
1) 123 Jhunkaipara Lp School
2) 552
3) Abrarbhita Lp School (l/w)
4) Abrarbhita Lp School (r/w)
5) Ambari Kadotika M.v. School (l/w)
6) Ambari Kadotika Mv School (m/w)
7) Ambari Kadotika Mv School (r/w)
8) Ambari Tiniali M.e Madarassa
9) Amtoli Jb School (l/w)
10) Amtoli Jb School (r/w)
11) Aolatoli Lp School
12) Aolatoli Me Madrassa
13) Baguan Girls Lp School
14) Baguan Girls Me School (l/w)
15) Baguan Girls Me School (r/w)
16) Baguan Jb School
17) Baida Me School (l/w)
18) Baida Me School (r/w)
19) Baikunthapur Lp School
20) Balarbhita Lp School
21) Balijana Jb School (l/w)
22) Balijana Jb School (r/w)
23) Balikashi Jb School
24) Bamundanga Garo Lp School
25) Bamundanga Lp School
26) Bamuner Alga Jb School
27) Bangaljhar Lp School (l/w)
28) Bangaljhar Lp School (r/w)
29) Bapupara Lp School (l/w)
30) Bapupara Lp School (r/w)
31) Bapurbhita Lp School
32) Bapurbhita Me School (venture) ((r/w)
33) Bapurbhita Me School (venture) (l/w)
34) Barbhita Titaram Mv School
35) Bardal Lp School (l/w)
36) Bardal Lp School (r/w)
37) Bashbari Me School (l/w)
38) Bashbari Me School (r/w)
39) Batabari Lp School
40) Batabari Me Madrassa (l/w)
41) Batabari Me Madrassa (r/w)
42) Blollapuri Lp School (l/w)
43) Blollapuri Lp School (r/w)
44) Bowalmari Lp School
45) Chatabari Lp School
46) Chatamari Lp School
47) Chunari Basic School
48) Chunari Gp Office
49) Chutki Lp School
and more ...
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