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Major Political Parties in Duliajan Assembly Constituency
82.54% , BJP , 55460 are the major political parties in Duliajan Assembly Constituency .Present Sitting MLA of Duliajan Assembly Constituency .
Present Sitting MLA s of Duliajan Assembly Constituency is Terash Gowala from party BJP partyMandals in Duliajan Assembly Constituency .
History of winning MLA s from Duliajan Assembly Constituency .
Election Year | Reservation | Winner MLA | Winner MLA Party | Winner MLA Votes | Difference votes with Runner Up | Runner UP Candidate | Runner UP Candidate Party | Runner UP Candidate Votes | ||
118 | 67599 | 138356 | 55460 | 114197 | 114197 | 83.01% | 82.54% | 82.54% | 82.54% | 0 |
List of Polling booths in Duliajan Assembly Constituency
0) 1 No. Rangagorah Lp School
1) 1 No. Rangajan Lp School
2) 10 No. Wilton L.p. School
3) 2 No Kathalguri Lp School(north)
4) 2 No Kathalguri Lp School(south)
5) 2 No. Rangamati Lp School
6) 42 Deogharia Lp School
7) 46 No. Bhekulajan Lp School
8) 60 No. Merbil Majuli L.p. School
9) 65 No Mohmari School (north)
10) 65 No Mohmari School (south)
11) Amguri Murani Lp School(e)
12) Anandabari Te Lp School
13) B0kuloni Hindi Lp School(s) Centre No.2
14) Bagrodia Te Lp School(north)
15) Bagrodia Te Lp School(south)
16) Balijan M.e. School
17) Balijan Staff Club
18) Balijan T.e. School (west)
19) Balijan Te Lp School (e)
20) Bamun Gaon Bani Bidya Mandir L.p. School
21) Bamun Gaon Lp School
22) Bapuji Lp School (south) Centre No.1
23) Bapujia Lp School (north)
24) Basmotia Grant Lp School Centre No. 1
25) Basmotia Te Lp School (north)basmotia Te Lp School (north)
26) Basmotia Te Lp School (south)
27) Basumati Mv School (east)
28) Bayanchuk L.p. School
29) Belbari High School(east)
30) Belbari High School(west)
31) Bhadoi Me School(north)
32) Bhadoi Me School(south)
33) Bijulibari Staff Club
34) Bokuloni Hindi Lp School(n) Centre No.1.
35) Bokuloni Hindi Lp School(n) Centre No.3
36) Bolimora Lp School(east)
37) Bolimora Lp School(west)
38) Borguri Chah Janajati Lp School
39) Borhula Lp School
40) Chabua Te Labour Club
41) Chabua Te Lp School
42) Chaharikata Nadial L.p. School
43) Chakalia Pathar Lp School
44) Chiringkhat Lp School
45) Chopatoli Lp School(north)
46) Chopatoli Lp School(south)
47) Chungipathar Lp School
48) Deobil Lp School
49) Dharia L.p. School
and more ...
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