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Major Political Parties in Dhekiajuli Assembly Constituency
82.32% , BJP , 69343 are the major political parties in Dhekiajuli Assembly Constituency .Present Sitting MLA of Dhekiajuli Assembly Constituency .
Present Sitting MLA s of Dhekiajuli Assembly Constituency is Ashok Singhal from party BJP partyMandals in Dhekiajuli Assembly Constituency .
History of winning MLA s from Dhekiajuli Assembly Constituency .
Election Year | Reservation | Winner MLA | Winner MLA Party | Winner MLA Votes | Difference votes with Runner Up | Runner UP Candidate | Runner UP Candidate Party | Runner UP Candidate Votes | ||
71 | 83423 | 175210 | 69343 | 144229 | 144229 | 81.59% | 82.32% | 82.32% | 82.32% | 0 |
List of Polling booths in Dhekiajuli Assembly Constituency
0) Adabari L.p. School
1) Ainajuli L.p. School
2) Alisinga Bani Niketon M.v. School (north)
3) Alisinga Bani Niketon M.v. School (south)
4) Amtalbari L.p. School
5) Amtol Baligaon L.p. School
6) Ansumi L.p. School
7) Asom Jyoti College Gorbosti
8) Asrabari L.p. School
9) Assamjyoti Sangha
10) Bahbera Gaon Panchayat Office
11) Bahbera L.p. School (east)
12) Bahbera L.p. School (west)
13) Balikhuti Jr. Basic (north)
14) Balikhuti Jr. Basic (south)
15) Bandarhagi Pathar L.p. School (east)
16) Bandarhagi Pathar L.p. School (west)
17) Batachipur M.e. School (east)
18) Batachipur M.e. School (middle)
19) Batachipur M.e. School (west)
20) Belsiri Bagan L.p. School (east)
21) Belsiri Bagan L.p. School (west)
22) Belsiri Bagan Mazdur Club
23) Bengenajuli Anganwadi Kendra
24) Bengenajuli Jr. Basic
25) Bengenajuli L.p. School (east)
26) Bengenajuli L.p. School (west)
27) Bhagyabati Devi Kanoi M.e. School (east)
28) Bhagyabati Devi Kanoi M.e. School (west)
29) Bhekbheki L.p. School
30) Bhergaon M.e. School
31) Bibekananda Bidyapith
32) Bibekananda Bidyapith (west)
33) Bineswar Brahma M.e. School
34) Birgulshri L.p. School
35) Borbil Jr. Basic (north)
36) Borbil Jr. Basic (south)
37) Bordubi Jr. Basic
38) Bordubi Maktab L.p. School
39) Champa Pathar L.p. School
40) Chapai Baligaon Junior Basic
41) Chapai Baligaon L.p. School
42) Chenimari L.p. School (east)
43) Chenimari L.p. School (west)
44) Daimalu M.e. School
45) Dhekiajuli Anchalik Panchayat Office
46) Dhekiajuli B.d.o. Office (west)
47) Dhekiajuli Block Agriculture Office (east)
48) Dhekiajuli Block Development Officers Office (east)
49) Dhekiajuli High School (east)
and more ...
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