Temple of lord Shiva from where Idol was stolen by some miscreants in 2007 It was much publicised case in Ramban Distt
Temple of lord Shiva from where Idol was stolen by some miscreants in 2007 It was much publicised case in Ramban Distt is in
Jammu & Kashmir
State in India.
Temple of lord Shiva from where Idol was stolen by some miscreants in 2007 It was much publicised case in Ramban Distt Pincode is
( Chanderkot ) .
Near by railway Stations are
It is in 42 Km distance to Udhampur City.
Temple of lord Shiva from where Idol was stolen by some miscreants in 2007 It was much publicised case in Ramban Distt is geographically located at latitude 33 ° 16′0'' and longitude 33 ° 16′0''